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As per Notification no GSR 206(E) dt 18.03.2015, item no 5 of Rule 8 of Companies (Meetings and Powers of Board) Rules relating to power of Board to consider the disclosure of interest by directors has been omitted. So there is no necessity to file the BM resolution with respect to the same with ROC under Sec 117(3)(g) of CA 2013. Please confirm the same.

Section 179- Powers of Board.

Posted By: Latha 9 year(s) ago

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Yes . No need

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It is confirmed .The Board Resolutions passed in connection with the following subjects are not required to file MGT - 14 1. To take note of appointment / removal of one level below the Key Management Personnel 2. To take note of the Disclosure of Director's Interest and shareholding 3. To buy, sell investments held by the Company constituting 5% or more of the paid up capital and free reserves of the investee company 4. To invite or accept or renew public deposit and related matters 5. To review or change the terms and conditions of the Public Deposit 6. To approve quarterly,. half yearly and Annual financial statements or financial results as the case may be

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The requirement to file MGT-14 is gone now. Only the Board will note the matter. No need to file MGT 14 with the resolution. It is applicable both for public limited and private limited entities.

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Yes. no need to file MGT14 for disclosure of interest.

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no need now.

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