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A Private Limited Company has submitted Application U/s.560 of CA,1956 during December 2014. As on date the status on MCA portal is " Action initiated U/s.560(3) of the Act." In the light of this does the company required to file AOC-4, MGT-7 for FY 2014.15? Please clarify


Posted By: V. maslekar 9 year(s) ago

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why the company required to do annual filing Ankit? The company must hv filed the application to strike off the name through FTE form and the application has been accepted that's why the site is showing that action initiated u/s 560(3). Even for filing this form mca does not ask for pending annual filing then what is the logic of filing now when the company is under process of strike off of the name. However if the application was filed in Dec'14 it has been a long time therefore the co representative should visit the ROC to know the reason.

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Expert    Ankit Singhi

Yes the company is required to file

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