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"Our Company is a Public ltd. company with PSC >10crore, there are 5 directors in the company out of which one is Managing Director appointed for a term of 5years w.e.f 1/02/2014 and 3 are whole time director appointed for a term of 3 years w.e.f 1/02/2014 and the one who is recently appointed is additional director(executive). All directors are drawing renumeration. The Company has not obtained the approval of shareholders for giving renumeration to Additional director. Now since additional director can't draw remuneration without shareholders approval therefore we want to appoint him as WTD. Can we appoint him as WTD since in that case all the directors will become executive and non-rotational and in that case who will retire by rotation in the next AGM, if yes what is the procedure for the appointment since we have already file form DIR-12 for his appointment as Additional Diirector (executive). The Articles are silent regarding remuneration to Additional director. Your views on this issue will be highly appreciated.

Section 161- Appointment of additional director, alternate director and nominee director.

Posted By: Shashank 9 year(s) ago

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Since requirement of retirement of director by rotation is mandatory on the company and at present company need to retire out of the existing executive director's in accordance with the provision of sec 152

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Since the requirement of rotational director is mandatory on the company, at present company have majority of executive director and to fulfill this condition in the cited case existing executive director shall be liable to retire by rotation.

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