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Can any one pls provide a draft format for appointment of a Whole Time Director and payment of remuneration under Schedule V of Companies Act,2013. Further a company to which the provisions of Sec 203 are not applicable is appointing a WTD , does it is mandatory for the company to designate that person as KMP also and cover that section in resolution for appointment of WTD? .

Section 197- Overall maximum managerial remuneration and managerial remuneration in case of absence or inadequacy of profits.

Posted By: Kanika gupta 10 year(s) ago

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Expert    Ankit Singhi

No, it is not mandatory for such company and as per section 2(51) WTD automatically deemed to be a KMP.

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Section 203 is applicable on listed co. and other public co. having a paid-up share capital of Rs. 10 cr. or more. Therefore, a company to which the provisions of Section 203 are not applicable, is not required to appoint WTD/MD/Manager/CEO/CFO. However, if a company wants to appoint WTD, it will comply section 196 which is applicable on both the company whether public co. or private co.Further it is not mandatory for the company to designate that person as KMP.

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Section 203 is applicable on listed co. and other public co. having a paid-up share capital of Rs. 10 cr. or more. Therefore, a company to which the provisions of Section 203 are not applicable, is not required to appoint WTD/MD/Manager/CEO/CFO. However, if a company wants to appoint WTD, it will comply section 196 which is applicable on both the company whether public co. or private co.Further it is not mandatory for the company to designate that person as KMP.

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