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Can one person be appointed as CS and CFO of a Company at the same time? Is there any provision under the CA 2013 that specifically prohibit this? Would there be any technical problem in filing form DIR-12 for the CFO appointment, when he is already showing as a CS of the Company in the MCA portal.

Section 203- Appointment of key managerial personnel.

Posted By: Pradeep chugh 10 year(s) ago

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    Nilesh Patel

In my opinion CS and CFO has to be two different persons. Pls refer Section 203(3).

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Expert    Ankit Singhi

One person can be appointed as CS and CFO at the same time as there is no restriction being imposed in the Act but as per the spirit of section 203 it is advisable to appoint different person in single capacity as a CS, CFO or WTD. Further, while fling DIR-12 with Registrar Company might face some problem for filing the form in the name of same person for two different designations.

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